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Dyslexic Legends Alphabet Book
| answered questions
From Albert Einstein to Agatha Christie, Pablo Picasso to JFK, Dyslexic Legends Alphabet presents an eye-opening and motivational A to Z of legends with dyslexia who have made their inspirational mark on our world. This book is a must- read for any child who may be struggling at school or feel like their dyslexia is holding them back from achieving greatness.
- Premium finish hardcover book - 56 pages case bound
- Packaged in a beautifully designed and re-enforced bookwrap
- The perfect size at "8.2 x "8.1
Age Suitability: 0-12 years
This title can be enjoyed by boys and girls of all ages (including adults!) - the recommended reading age is
0-12. Although the book is an introduction to the alphabet for younger children, the reading level is more
suitable for children between 6 and 12 years of age. The 60-80 word biographies for each of the featured
legends are not intended for 'early reading' - they contain some sophisticated words, mature references and
interesting facts that encourage further discussion and research. In addition to the custom letter art for
each of the featured 'legends', we include an upper and lower case version of the letter in sans-serif. Wooden puzzles are a potential choking hazard and not suitable for children under the age of 3 years.

Build a legendary library with the ultimate collection of alphabet books.

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We offer a free economy shipping option
for all domestic orders over $50
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