eck Feiner is an illustrator, designer and author living in Sydney Australia.
In the last five years, she's become a mother of two. Levi and Esme are her everything, and she quickly realised, while trying to teach her oldest the alphabet, that there was nothing out there that encouraged true and real engagement. It's hard to bond over B is for banana
So, Beck set about creating an A to Z that she could use to teach Levi his ABC, while having meaningful conversations around each of those 26 letters.
That alphabet was the Aussie Legends Alphabet. Each letter wonderfully became an icon, of the human variety, in Australian culture. Soon, Levi didn't just know his Alphabet, but he also knew all about the many larrikins that make Australia so great.

With the world of social media what it is, it wasn't long before people in Beck's Instagram circle were asking for their own copies. One thing led to another and before too long the poster and the book was selling around Australia and to ex-pats abroad. Beck appeared on TV and radio talking about her idea and why it was resonating with so many parents and children around Australia.
Then the idea gained real momentum.
One of Levi's favourite Aussie icons was a sporting hero called Adam Goodes. This cued the idea that many sports fans might appreciate celebrating their team's Legends. So, with a passion for the English Premier League coming from other areas in the family - Beck's husband, Robin, writes the sharp and snappy descriptions of each Legend - the natural place to start seemed like Manchester Utd.
Well, it's hard to compete with the passion of a Man Utd fan, so needless to say, this Alphabet has been well received.
(Because Beck and Robin really don't like leaving anyone out, they've put themselves to work expanding the Alphabet Legends family - watch this space!
With Beck's daughter in mind, she turned her attention to a Lady Legends Alphabet. This is full of inspiring, irrepressible women that every young girl - and boy - can and should look up to.
From there, Little Legends seemed like a no brainer. Nothing shows a youngster just how much potential they truly possess like the knowledge that kids, just like them, have achieved great things.
Soon, there will be enough Legends Alphabets, as well as other fun and tactile learning tools, to ensure that everyone finds the perfect way to teach, engage and bond with their little legend at bed time.
Let us know what you think, or if you have a great idea for an Alphabet. We'd absolutely love to hear from you.