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Bowie Legends Alphabet Book
From Aladdin Sane to Ziggy Stardust, The Jean Genie to Rebel Rebel, Bowie Legends Alphabet charts the A to Z of characters, charisma, and hits of the legendary David Bowie. Stylishly illustrated and passionately written, the book invites readers to celebrate and learn about the godfather of alternative rock ‘n roll and one of the greatest musicians in history!
- Premium finish hardcover book - 56 pages case bound
- Packaged in a beautifully designed and re-enforced bookwrap
- The perfect size at "8.2 x "8.1
All trademarks, quotations, company names, registered names, individual names, products, logos, and catchphrases used or cited in this book are the property of their respective owners and used in this book for informational, reporting, review and guidance purposes only. This book has not been licensed, approved, sponsored, or endorsed by an person or entity.

Build a legendary library with the ultimate collection of alphabet books.

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We never modify or edit our customer reviews in any way. A big thank you to all of our customers that have taken the time to share their feedback - both good and bad. We are committed to building a library of educational resources that connect parents/carers with their children in an engaging way and your feedback is incredibly helpful 🙂
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I bought one for my grandsons and one for my daughter. Boys are young and my daughter absolutely loves the details in the Metal ABC and Bowie, well, that’s a bonus for her
Makes a great gift... both kids and parents will learn a lot... great way to introduce children to music, sports, etc... Start 'em young!
Sent this as a gift to a friend who’s a huge Bowie fan. He absolutely loved it!
It's absolutely perfect.My family and friends all know Im a huge Bowie fan and my 1st grandchild was just born on David's birthday!
The ABC of Clever Gifts
I love your series of books. There is always something new and interesting. These books are clever and make excellent reading for all ages. Thank you.
Alphabet Legends
Hi Meredith, So happy you love Bowie Legends and enjoy our series of books. We are always trying to come up with new and relevant titles. Thank you for your kind feedback and for your incredible support, it means the world. xoxo, The Alphabet Legends Team
Great gift for my #1 Bowie fan
Purchasing, and shipping was easy. My husband said he really enjoyed reading the book and he learned some new info. He is an encyclopedia of everything Bowie, so it’s rare to be able to share something with him that he didn’t know about before. Would recommend.
Very cute idea
Loved the book and it’s a suitable gift for all ages, especially for Bowie lovers!
Super Cool !!
This was a gift for a friend who is a Bowie fanatic. She loves it SO MUCH!! It is full of fun facts and beautifully illustrated. I will be checking out some of your other titles for sure. They make wonderful gifts.
Excellent! As a lifelong Bowie fan, I loved it. Sharing it with my grandsons.
Alphabet Legends
Hi Patricia, Thank you for taking the time to write such a kind review. Looks like your grandkids have some cool grandparents with good music taste!!! Thank you for your incredible support! xoxo, The Alphabet Legends Team
Great Gift!
I bought this as a gift for a child, but the book is clearly for an adult. Beautifully made & such a unique idea! I wound up keeping the book for myself.
Love this little book!
This was a gift for a dear friend who shares in the love of all things Bowie! The writing is fun and the pictures are beautiful. It was a very well received present.
Bowie Legends Alphabet
You are a wonderful company. Sent me a new book right away when the post office damaged the original one you sent. As a huge Bowie fan since I was 12 in 1972, I jumped on buying this for my first grandchild. I am going to read it to him and play each song when he is older. Next up to buy is the Beatles book. Been a fan since I was 4.
Alphabet Legends
Hi Sharon, Thank you for your kind review! We are so happy you can share your love with David Bowie with your first grandchild, congratulations! xoxo, The Alphabet Legends Team