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Shakespeare Legends Alphabet Book
- Premium finish hardcover book - 56 pages case bound
- Packaged in a beautifully designed and re-enforced bookwrap
- The perfect size at "8.2 x "8.1

Build a legendary library with the ultimate collection of alphabet books.

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We never modify or edit our customer reviews in any way. A big thank you to all of our customers that have taken the time to share their feedback - both good and bad. We are committed to building a library of educational resources that connect parents/carers with their children in an engaging way and your feedback is incredibly helpful 🙂
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I had a great experience and I love the products I ordered.
Alphabet Legends
Hi Erin, Thank you for taking the time to write the review. We are so happy you had a great experience and love the book. Thanks again for your support. xoxo, The Alphabet Legends Team
Fun letter learning...
My granddaughters will love learning the alphabet in such a clever and informative way! Thank you for this innovative learning experience.
Fathers Day/Birthday gifts
He absolutely loved both books! Such a unique and special gift, especially for a teacher.
Alphabet Legends
Hi Lisa, Yay, I am so you and your husband and family love the books and had a great Father's Day! Thank you for you support. Warmly, The Alphabet Legends
Great Start to the Classics
Good., but feedback requirements are irritating.
Legends at Chautauqua
I belong to a Chautauqua Book Club and I plan to present Shakespeare Legends Alphabet during our Course of Study for 2021-22, since one of the selected books is James Shapiro’s Shakespeare in a Divided America - What His Plays Tell Us about Our Past and Future. I think the SLA will be a perfect ‘partner’ book. Cheers!
Alphabet Legends
Hi Lillian, Wow thank you for sharing our book with your book club. Please email us if you would like a discount code for your fellow book clubbers! Thank you for your incredible support! Warmly, Taryn
Alphabet Legends
The book was well presented, easy to understand & well illustrated.
Alphabet Legends
Thank you for your kind feedback Alice :)
Next time....
I see a Shakespeare play I am going to re-read this book. It usually takes me one act to get used to the language and then I’m lost. This should help. And it’s a fun and easy book to read. Short and interesting.
Alphabet Legends
Hi Patti, That's an excellent idea!! Hope our book can help hehe. Warmly, Taryn
Shakespeare legends
Amazing. I got this for my grandkids because their Nonno is a Shakespeare scholar who absolutely loved the book. So far it is waiting for a visit but Nonno rereads it often just to be prepared.
Give this to the children
Love this book and the entire collection.What a great way to introduce children to Shakespeare. Adults enjoy the illustrations and synopsis.
An Excellent Introduction
My 6 uo grsndson balked at reading this with me, but becsme enthralled by the consise descritions and the very sppealing artwork.
Curiosity aroused!
My nine-year-old granddaughter was captivated by the Shakespeare Alphabet book. I am capitalizing on her interest by bringing the "next step" book her introduction to the playwright. Thanks so much for doing us this service.